FIT for Europe - The Podcast of FIT FORTHEM

Preserving and sharing cultural heritage

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In our seventh episode of the FITFORTHEM podcast Stankomir Nicieja (UO) is interviewing Fabrizio D’Avenia and Gianmarco Braghi, both professors in History of Christianity and of Churches at the University of Palermo, about their research and activities connected with preserving and sharing cultural heritage. Prof. Avenia is talking about the results of a survey he conducted at partner universities entitled “Cultural Heritage at Your University. Prof. Braghi’s insights concern the problems of accessibility of cultural heritage.

Fabrizio D’Avenia is a professor in History of Christianity and of Churches at the University of Palermo and the leader of the FORTHEM Work Package 4, responsible for sharing research and digital resources.

Gianmarco Braghi is is Assistant Professor in History of Christianity and of Churches at the University of Palermo and researcher at John XXIII Foundation of Religious Sciences (located in Bologna and Palermo).


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